Make Your Rental Property Eco-Friendly

white sofa set near window

15 Tips to Make Your Rental Property Eco-Friendly


According to the 2023 Property Management Industry Report by Buildium, Propertyware, and NARPM, a significant shift has occurred in the rental real estate market, with 52% of rental owners now considering themselves as intentional investors. These statistics reflect a growing trend toward more strategic – and potentially eco-conscious – investment in rental properties; not only does this contribute to a healthier planet, but it can also aid in attracting eco-conscious tenants and saving money in the long run.

Furthermore, Price Waterhouse Cooper’s (PwC) “ Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 ” report highlights the renovation of many of the U.S.’s 1,300 malls into mixed-use spaces; this telling trend indicates a movement towards more sustainable and integrated living spaces, aligning with eco-friendly principles in property development.

Efficient Management: Utilizing the Best Rent Collection App


Before we dive into the realm of eco-friendly physical upgrade ideas, it’s crucial to note that efficient management also plays a monumental role in successfully maintaining a sustainable rental property.

Utilizing the best rent collection app, for example, can streamline the renting process, reducing paper waste and enhancing communication between landlords and tenants; digital approaches like these align with eco-friendly practices by minimizing the need for physical documents and checks, thereby supporting a more sustainable and efficient rental management system.

1. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Start by replacing old, energy-hungry appliances with Energy Star-rated ones; these appliances, such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines, use less energy and water, reducing utility bills and conserving resources.

2. Opt for LED Lighting

Swap out traditional incandescent bulbs for LED lights – they last longer and consume significantly less electricity; this simple switch can lead to substantial energy savings over time.

3. Enhance Insulation

Proper insulation is key to maintaining temperature and reducing energy consumption. Inspect and upgrade insulation in walls, attics, and basements. Also, consider double-glazed windows to prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency.

4. Install Low-Flow Water Fixtures

Reduce water waste by installing low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets; these fixtures use considerably less water per minute, helping to conserve this precious resource and lower water bills.

5. Use Eco-Friendly Paints

When repainting, choose low-VOC or VOC-free paints; traditional paints release volatile organic compounds, which can be harmful to both the environment and human health.

6. Promote Recycling

When it comes to waste management, set up a convenient recycling system in the property, including providing separate bins for different types of waste, and educating tenants on proper recycling practices.

7. Landscape with Native Plants

Use native plants in your landscaping. They require less water and maintenance since they are adapted to the local environment, and they support local wildlife.

8. Install Solar Panels

Although a more significant investment, solar panels drastically reduce reliance on fossil fuels and can offer long-term savings on electricity bills.

9. Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats learn tenants’ heating and cooling preferences and adjust automatically, conserving energy when the property is unoccupied.

10. Encourage Sustainable Transportation

black and white usb cable plugged in black deviceIf feasible, provide amenities like bike racks or electric vehicle charging stations.

This will encourage tenants to use more eco-friendly modes of transportation.

11. Regular Maintenance

Regularly maintain appliances, HVAC systems, and plumbing to ensure they operate efficiently and catch any potential issues early.

12. Green Cleaning Products

Stock the property with eco-friendly cleaning products; this small step helps reduce the introduction of harmful chemicals into the environment.

13. Educate Tenants

Educate your tenants about the eco-friendly features of the property and how they can contribute to maintaining a green living space.

14. Rainwater Harvesting

Consider installing a rainwater harvesting system for watering gardens or flushing toilets, to reduce the demand for treated water.

15. Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors

Invest in energy-efficient windows and doors to further reduce energy loss, and stick to products with good insulation properties.

We All Must Play Our Part


Transforming your rental property into an eco-friendly investment is a responsible and forward-thinking approach – one that benefits both the environment and your business. While some tips require upfront investment, the long-term savings and environmental impact are significant.

When landlords commit to adopting these practices, they step up and play a crucial role in promoting sustainability, while setting an example for others to follow.