5 Ways Smart HVAC Can Make Smart Cities More Sustainable

How Smart HVAC Helps Smart Cities Be Sustainable

by Jane Marsh

People are taking preventive measures to mitigate climate change. One such measure is intelligent heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Thanks to the internet of things (IoT), more and more machines can now act independently by collecting data to regulate energy use.

Smart cities need smart HVAC systems due to the large populations of people living and hoping to live in them. According to the United Nations, 55% of the world’s population lives in cities. By 2050, the percentage is likely to increase to 68%. To live sustainably, this population must know about the opportunities presented by smart HVAC systems.

What Is a Smart HVAC System?

Innovative heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are like traditional HVAC systems but more intelligent because they use advanced technology, such as IoT, to ensure thermostats are regulated based on the temperature of the environment they are used in.

Smart HVACs can also be controlled by mobile devices, like smartphones, instead of specific remote controls, which makes it easy for owners to make changes whenever they want to, and from any location.

5 Ways Smart HVAC Can Make Smart Cities More Sustainable

Integrating smart HVAC systems in an automated home or apartment complex is a great way to live a comfortable and efficient life. In addition to the comfort this integration offers, below are some ways it can lead to greater sustainability:

1.  Controls Temperatures in Real-Time

Intelligent HVAC systems can control the temperatures of a building to maintain the desired feel for optimum comfort. Based on pre-programmed preferences or sensor readings, smart thermostats may regulate a room’s temperature and keep it constant throughout the day.

The timely responses and ability of smart HVAC systems to automatically alter a room’s temperature make it more energy-efficient, thereby leading to a sustainable living environment.

2.  Allows Remote Diagnosis

Remote commercial HVAC system troubleshooting and diagnosis capabilities are now possible thanks to intelligent devices. Before sending out maintenance personnel, management can identify the underlying cause of malfunctions using recent data gathered by the system.

Offsite diagnosis aids in reducing site visits for commercial building management. Because they know the equipment and components to take for repairs, early diagnosis also helps them shorten repair turnarounds.

3.  Regulates Air Quality

Smart HVAC sensors can pick up air pollution details, including urgent ones like carbon monoxide emissions, and quickly ventilate the air or alert inhabitants before it negatively impacts human health. Regulating air quality also lowers the risk of viral infections.

4.  Enables Smart Maintenance

Smart buildings evaluate existing data to anticipate future failures of HVAC equipment. The ability to avoid unplanned downtime is based on the data collected, and it serves to maximize the life span of the equipment and ensure a consistent experience for whoever lives there.

5.  Improves Energy Efficiency

The air quality in a building can be optimized with intelligent building HVAC controls. The controls adjust the quantity of airflow in one area without under- or over-ventilating another using information from CO2 levels, occupancy, temperature, humidity, static duct pressure, and air quality sensors.

With smart thermostats, sprinklers, and lights, smart HVAC systems can reduce the amount of energy consumed daily.

How Smart HVACs Work in an Automated Building

A smart home or building operates with a network-connected thermostat, cameras, and other electronics and appliances. They can be turned on and off remotely depending on an individual’s routines and where they are in relation to their home. HVAC systems are a seamless addition because they also use wireless technology to interact with users.

The system can also recognize minor changes and alert users to potential problems. The results of this real-time data-gathering can be seen on a smartphone in seconds. An individual can enjoy greater comfort with such an automated system.

Innovative HVAC systems have improved in efficiency over time. They operate more effectively with additional wireless sensors integrated into the system – one in each room, for example. Any changes in the weather, humidity, and temperatures of various rooms in a home will be detected by a smart thermostat and its HVAC system. Additionally, it can comprehend where people are in the house and fine-tune their surroundings to their specific preferences.

The Future of Smart HVAC

In order to increase adoption, future smart thermostats will offer compatibility with an even wider range of climate-control technologies. For instance, newer thermostats may accommodate geothermal systems and heat pumps.

The cost of natural resources, particularly fossil fuels, is increasing as the years go by, making the future of smart HVAC systems crucial to the world economy. New buildings will become more energy-efficient due to regulations requiring more intelligent cooling and heating.

If city and business leadership – and homeowners and renters – wish to lessen their collective impact on the environment, smart HVAC technology is a logical place to begin making investments. In the future, such innovations may be required by building codes and construction regulations. Building managers can get ahead of the curve today by learning more about how smart cities work and the benefits of smart HVAC.

Article by Jane Marsh

Jane works as an environmental and energy writer. She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of
