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10 Countries Promoting the use of Electric Vehicles

Global EV BOOM

Why Is There A Need For EVs Globally?


In its World Energy Outlook, the International Energy Agency identifies pathways for clean energy technological solutions needed to reach global net zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by 2050. It also details interim goals that will ensure the world is on the path to net zero. In order to achieve these goals, global electric vehicle sales need to increase from <20% of new vehicle sales to 50% by 2030.

Increased awareness of fossil fuels' effect on the planet, and the universal imperative for all nations across the planet to act on climate NOW to reduce GHGs, have driven many countries around the world to implement policies encouraging electric and hybrid vehicles. The sales of electric vehicles (EVs) have increased globally, with EVs, including 100% EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) now expected to top 14 million new vehicles sold in 2023.

Over 90 million vehicles - internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, EVs, and hybrids included - are manufactured worldwide each year. Globally,  China produces over 1 in 4 vehicles (of all the world's vehicles and of all types) annually. Almost another 1/3 of vehicles in the world are manufactured in the United States, Japan, and Germany. The U.S. produces more than Japan, and Japan's vehicle production is a bit higher than Germany's.

Other major vehicle-producing countries include India and Mexico. The remaining auto manufacturing, representing the final ~1/3 of the global vehicle market, is done throughout other countries, most significantly South Korea.

Even with all of the above countries contributing to manufacturing EVs, EVs still only account for less than 5% of vehicle manufacturing globally (mostly in the form of electric and plug-in hybrid light-duty passenger cars and trucks). This number of EV production needs to increase significantly in order for the world to meet global climate goals. 

The global reliance on the automobile results in a rapid increase in carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Climate change has disrupted the entire atmospheric setting of the planet, causing global warming and extreme weather such as floods, increased sea levels, heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, and more storms; all of which in turn affect food production, human health, and our general well-being.

EVs and hybrids are a cost-effective, efficient way to fight climate change (while consumers get a superior product) - see The Benefits of Hybrids, Plug-in Hybrids, and Electric Vehicles. Here are 10 countries that are leading the way for EVs globally>>>

 Ten Countries Promoting Electric Vehicles and Hybrids  

by Eseandre


Norway is first on our list because its government is in full support of cleaning the atmosphere and creating sustainable energy for its citizens; especially with regard to EVs. Norway has substantial tax incentives for EV buyers/ owners. Norway has built an extensive EV infrastructure, with ubiquitous, often free, EV charging; and Norway further incentivizes EVs with dedicated, free EV parking spots with charging included, as well as entire EV garages dedicated to these perks, and free use of bus/ carpool lanes for EVs.

The entire country of Norway plans for carbon neutrality by 2030, and new car sales should be entirely zero emission vehicles by 2025. The sales of EVs in Norway have gone up to over half of new vehicle sales (when plug-in hybrids are also considered). EV customers and owners in Norway enjoy incentives such as tax exemptions for EV purchases, free parking spots, and free charging - incentives aimed to get others interested and invested in the transition to an all-EV society.  Oslo, Norway is even considering a complete ban on fossil fuel-based vehicles from its city center.


Even with the yellow vest events, the sales of electric cars in France went up. Paris is aiming to ban all cars except electric vehicles by 2030 in the city, and in the country, there will be a similar ban by 2040. In the bid to reduce GHGs and air pollution, the Emmanuel Macron government has offered incentives for the cost of EVs. 

The UK

The UK has declared it will be fully electric car compliant by 2040, and the UK has also passed a nationwide law to ban traditional ICE car sales by 2030. The government is trying hard to be a major force with zero-emission ambitions for the country, as evidenced by the congestion charge in London. The UK is home to some of the best brands of electric and plug-in cars.


China is the largest producer of fossil fuel vehicles globally, but with the country's moves towards clean energy and sustainability, China is at the forefront of producing electric and hybrid cars, trucks, and buses. Sales of EVs in China climb higher as the need for clean energy and GHG reduction nationwide remain a priority. 


Sales of EVs and hybrid vehicles have increased in the United States by over 25% annually since 2016. There have been even greater increases seen in the U.S. EV market recently, in large part thanks to Tesla. When discussing EVs and America, one immediately thinks of Tesla, the auto manufacturer based in Palo Alto CA. Tesla is the #1 manufacturer of EVs worldwide.


Electric cars and hybrids have flooded the streets of Germany. Germany is known for its financial incentives for buyers of German EVs and hybrids. There are over 39 makes of German EVs, including Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW. Germany has a goal of reaching 15 million EVs on the road in the country by 2030.


Brazil is not just a country that uses electric cars, but is among the pioneers of pushing for renewable energy in all facets of its economy, including transportation and biofuel-based hybrid vehicles. Since the gradual introduction of EVs in Brazil, the emission rate has been reducing as more electric cars are seen on the streets. The country also uses cleaner fuel alternatives such as ethanol blends and biomass. 

Please see our article on Curitiba for more on this city in Brazil, and Curitiba's successful use of hybrid vehicles in sustainable mass transit systems.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands has set a target for itself that only emission-free vehicles will be allowed on the streets by 2030. The government of the Netherlands subsidizes the sales of electric vehicles, beginning in 2021. EVs will be exempt from taxes on motor vehicles starting in 2025.  


The success of EVs in India might be achieved by the widespread adoption of two-wheel electric scooters throughout India to combat the dense population of the country and pollution. Hopefully, soon, electric scooters will be made more affordable for the masses in India, with the aim of cutting down on the GHGs in the country. 


The government of Canada is investing in green infrastructure and clean technologies including partnering with private and public bodies to attain the dream of a clean Canada. This drive toward sustainability has also pushed the need for zero-emission vehicles on Canadian roads, as well as the introduction of charging stations to accommodate the growing number. Although it has not attained the position of countries like Norway, China, or even its neighbor the US, it is on the verge of being one of the countries with a higher renewable and sustainable energy in the future. 

[Other countries not on this list, but notable for their production and incentivizing of the use of EVs, include South Korea as well as other countries throughout Asia and Europe].

The earth is our home, and EVs are part of the solution to mitigating anthropogenic climate change. Countries setting policies that help people make the sustainable transition to cleaner transportation; and the global population taking the initiative to adopt hybrid vehicles, plug-in EVS, and 100%-EVs, is a significant help to the cause. 

The demand for EVs globally is expected to rise sharply in coming decades, as illustrated in this chart - with stats from BNEF, BP, OPEC, Exxon, and the IEA>>>

Electric vehicle demand forecast
Electric vehicle global demand forecast

Please also see:

The Benefits of Hybrids, Plug-in Hybrids, and Electric Vehicles

About the author - Eseandre is a passionate freelance writer, with over 2,000 positive reviews on Fiverr, who loves traveling and caring for the less privileged, and the earth. You can find her here- 


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10 Countries Promoting the use of Electric Vehicles 13858

10 Countries Promoting the use of Electric Vehicles