Sustainability in Food Choices

Sustainability In Food Choices

The Environmental Benefits of Seasonal Eating

By Cora Gold


Seasonal eating means enjoying foods that naturally grow and ripen at certain times of the year, prioritizing fruits and veggies that are at their best in your area. This helps support local farmers, reduces the environmental impact of transportation, and gives you fresher, healthier options.

Importance of Sustainability in Food Choices


The necessity of seasonal eating lies in making decisions that support long-term environmental health, social responsibility, and economic viability. Sustainable food choices consider the product’s impact on the ecosystem, reduce carbon footprints, and support ethical agricultural practices. By making sustainable choices, you can contribute to the planet’s well-being, help conserve natural resources, and promote a balanced and resilient food system for future generations.

Why Seasonal Eating Matters


Embracing seasonal eating isn’t just a culinary trend — it’s a sustainable choice that benefits your health, local economies, and the environment. Here are some benefits.

Cutting Carbon Footprint

Producing food contributes to 26% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. When you choose seasonal foods, you opt for produce grown closer to home. This means less energy is spent on transporting the food over long distances, resulting in a higher reduction in carbon emissions and making your food choices more environmentally friendly.

Protecting Local Ecosystems

Non-local farming practices — especially those aimed at cultivating out-of-season crops — can harm local ecosystems. Opting for seasonal foods supports local farmers who use sustainable farming practices. This helps maintain the balance of local ecosystems and reduces the environmental impact of agriculture.

Healthier Eating

Seasonal produce is harvested at its peak, meaning it’s fresher and contains higher levels of essential nutrients. Fruits and vegetables allowed to ripen naturally on the vine or tree have more time to develop their full nutritional potential. By incorporating these nutrient-rich options into your diet, you enjoy better-tasting meals, and boost your overall health and well-being.

Mindful and seasonal eating work hand in hand for a healthier lifestyle. Eating seasonal produce this way will help you become more attuned to the flavors, textures, and nutritional value of your food.

Supporting Local Economies

Picking seasonal foods means supporting local farmers and businesses. This support positively impacts your community’s economic health. It gives a sense of community, and helps maintain the cultural and agricultural diversity that makes each region unique.

Cutting Food Waste

About 17% of the world’s food is wasted. In the United States, consumers, businesses and farms collectively spend $218 billion on growing, processing, and disposing of food no one eats. Seasonal eating aligns your food consumption with natural cycles of abundance.

Choosing foods that are in season makes you more likely to consume produce when it’s at its freshest and most plentiful. This reduces the chances of surplus and minimizes the amount of food that goes to waste. Embracing the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables is a practical way to contribute to the global effort to combat food waste, and create a more sustainable mindset.

How to Incorporate Seasonal Eating


Adding seasonal eating to your lifestyle will create a more sustainable and locally focused food culture. Here are some practices you can do to make seasonal eating a manageable part of your routine:

  • Explore local markets: Visit farmers markets or local grocers to discover what’s in season. These places often showcase fresh, locally grown produce, making it easy to choose seasonal options.
  • Check seasonal calendars: You can use online resources or calendars to know which fruits and vegetables are in season in your region. Stay informed to make mindful choices when shopping.
  • Plan seasonal meals: Base your meals on what’s in season. For example, if it’s winter, you can enjoy winter veggies like carrots, broccoli, leeks, mushrooms, radishes and radicchio. Look for recipes highlighting seasonal ingredients, ensuring a delicious and nutritious dining experience.
  • Embrace preservation techniques: Make the most of the abundance by preserving fruits and vegetables through methods like canning, freezing, or drying. Canned food stays at its best for a year when stored properly in a cool, dry place. This allows you to enjoy seasonal flavors even when certain products are unavailable.
  • Join community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs: In a CSA program, you receive a regular supply of fresh, seasonal produce directly from a local farm. It’s a convenient way to support local agriculture and enjoy a variety of seasonal foods.

Eat Seasonally and Help the Planet

Choosing seasonal foods isn’t just about enjoying tasty meals — it’s a way to help the environment. Enjoy the freshness of each season, knowing your choices play a part in creating a greener and more sustainable future.

About the author: Cora Gold is a sustainability writer who aims to live a healthy, low-waste lifestyle. Read more from Cora in Revivalist magazine, LinkedIn, and Twitter.